5 Lessons We Learn From Exercising

1) Keep going even when results aren’t obvious. Results happen so slowly that you don’t notice the changes to your body. We all hit physical and mental plateaus from time to time, but the lesson is to believe in the process in keep going in spite of an apparent lack of results. It’s even harder […]

Beating the Odds on Your New Year’s Resolution

8% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions have success. We’re 13 days into the New Year, and as one would guess, most of us have probably already thrown our resolutions in the trash. It happens every year. January 1st brings a new sense of hope, and with it comes the confidence we can […]

One-on-One and Small Group Training Are Back

“Do things you never thought were possible!” Finally, after almost 12 months of attending seminars, researching exercise programs, and testing them out, our one-on-one and small group training programs are back, and they are better than ever. We are excited to announce our new Sweat and Smile sessions that are guaranteed to be the most […]

Beginner Guide: Are crunches making me fat?

That’s a half truth. They may not necessarily make you fat, but they definitely aren’t helping you get a flatter stomach. Top 3 reasons why you’re wasting your time performing crunches 1) Beach Ball Belly Syndrome: If you still have some stubborn body fat to lose, those crunches are just making your belly stick out […]

Beginner Guide: How to relieve soreness

If you’ve never been so sore from a workout that even getting out of bed is a chore, you probably can count the number of times you’ve exercised on one hand. There have been occasions where I’ve had to go to work without my shoes tied because of my hamstrings and glutes were so sore. […]

Top 3 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

For you women looking to get in shape, strength training and lifting weights is always going to provide you with superior benefits than those of running, walking, or doing some other form of long distance, repetitive cardio training. I can think of many different ways why women should strength train, and I have narrowed down […]

Hamstring Injuries: A chain reaction

Hamstring pulls, strains, tweaks… Recently, they’ve been everywhere. Why? There’s a long list of possible culprits. Just ask a physical therapist. Improper warmup, poor strength ratio between the quads and hamstrings, lack of hamstring flexibility, etc. I want to discuss one that’s often overlooked, and thanks to a phenomenal physical therapist, Dr. Shirley Sarhmann, and […]

4 Keys to Fitness Success

Over the past 3 years we’ve been privileged to help a lot of people reach and exceed their fitness goals. Through that experience we’ve been able to compile a list of 4 things that the people who have succeeded and are succeeding do. Our hope is that you will be able to use this list […]

Vital Behaviors for Fitness Success

I’ve seen many people come and go, start and stop, succeed and fail. Through this experience I’ve been able to create two lists of specific behaviors. One list is the behaviors that keep people from getting fit, and the other is the behaviors that cause people to get fit. By understanding which behaviors produce which […]

Declaring War on Fitness

Getting our body to look and feel the way we want is a constant, unrelenting battle against the urge to be stagnate and lazy. We want to sit still because sitting still is easy and it’s comfortable. Being in shape and looking good means that we have to wake up every single day ready to […]