4 Keys to Fitness Success

Over the past 3 years we’ve been privileged to help a lot of people reach and exceed their fitness goals. Through that experience we’ve been able to compile a list of 4 things that the people who have succeeded and are succeeding do. Our hope is that you will be able to use this list to improve your own results. Here we go!

The 4 Keys to Fitness Success

1) Consistency – Changing your body to look and feel the way you want to is a long, gradual process. It can’t be do overnight. Make hitting the gym and doing your workouts a long, term habit. Once working out becomes an ingrained, behavioral habit the results will take care of themselves.

2) Intensity – Walking or jogging is a good start but shouldn’t be your long term solution. The people that have gotten the best results strength with high intensity on a regular basis. Getting results requires hard work and pushing through a little bit of uncomfortable soreness. It’s not going to the gym that matters. It’s what you do in the gym that counts.

3) Do the Right Things – When you are planning your workouts or selecting your workout program, like anything else, you must make sure that your behaviors are aligned with your goals. Hard work means nothing if you aren’t doing the right things or aren’t doing things right. Strength training, cardiovascular training, flexibility/mobility work, and a balanced diet should be part of your program.

4) Get on a Team – We’ve seen the “group effect” work time and time again. Your results will be greatly accelerated if you participate in an exercise group or class. This becomes your team just like when you played sports in school. You have someone to be accountable to for showing up, and you have some competition to push you on the days when your energy level is down.


“Fitness is a battle. Welcome to the front lines!”

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