Ladies: Why Strong is the New Sexy in 2014!

personal training at A2

10 years ago very few women ever ventured beyond the treadmills and ellipticals. And the few that did would rarely make it past the pink dumbbells and bands.  Unfortunately, trainers, videos, and magazines convinced women that lifting heavy things would “bulk” them up and make them look too manly.

Fast forward to 2013, and now you can find almost as many women in the squat racks as you do men. A woman can’t visit a fitness website, buy a fitness magazine, or purchase a fitness book without reading about the benefits of strength training for weight loss. The pendulum has definitely shifted, and rightfully so because the research and real-world examples support it.

Strong is the new sexy

Why are women rushing to the squat racks and barbells? We’ve already discussed how strength training burns more calories in a 24 hour period than jogging does, creates the hourglass figure women love, and helps women achieve that tight, youthful appearance that running just can’t do (And that’s in addition to its health-related benefits involving blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and osteoporosis).  However, we haven’t mentioned its most dramatic effect.

Strength is the real GATEWAY to fat loss.  If a woman isn’t strong, she can’t perform the exercises that are most effective for fat loss. Squats, deadlifts, thrusters, the bench press, and chin ups all require adequate strength levels to perform. If you aren’t strong, your exercise selection becomes extremely small. You’ll be relegated to inferior exercises like curls with pink dumbbells, tricep extensions, and crunches. Do you know how many dumbbell curls it takes to create the same fat-burning effects as a heavy set of 10 squats?

A Great Example of a Strong Woman

Nique Byots is a great example. Before she started training with us, she was a “cardio bunny.”  She’d use the strength machines occasionally, but the large majority of her workout consisted of running on the treadmill. Almost 6 months after she started strength training, she is front squatting 115lbs, deadlifting 205lbs, and performing multiple chin ups with a band. Best of all, she said she’s never looked or felt better. She’s actually become addicted to strength training even though she looks like Barbie.  Although she’s currently training for sports performance, if she wanted to train for fat loss, her options would be unlimited because she now has adequate strength levels to perform the most effective exercises for fat loss – barbell complexes, kettlebell complexes, sprints, sled pushes, strongman-type training, and more.

Side note: Women, although most won’t admit it, are extremely competitive. They really do enjoy a challenge. I personally think that’s why so many women love strength training.  Seeing weight being added to the bar almost weekly is extremely satisfying.

What You Can Do

With so many women strength training, it won’t be hard to find someone willing to help you. If you can’t find anyone, just stop by the front desk and ask us. We’ll be more than happy to show you a few exercises to start with. If you’d rather do it on your own, you can try the following exercise progressions:

  • Deadlift Progression: Single kettlebell deadlift from a step box – Single Kettlebell Deadlift from the ground – Double kettlebell suitcase deadlift – sumo barbell deadlift
  • Squat Progression: TRX Assisted Squat – Goblet Squat – Single kettlebell front squat – Barbell front squat – Barbell back squat

Those two exercises alone will help you build the body you want. Not only do they burn a lot of calories, but they also hit the most troublesome areas for women: the glutes and the back of the legs (hamstrings).

If you really need help and want to start 2014 off with a BANG, we do offer one-on-one and small group training at both Ageless and Ageless Squared. Spots are limited, and filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Click here for pricing and more information on our personal training .




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