Ageless Squared Grand Opening December 14th

Ageless 2 grand opening december 14th

Are you ready to sweat? Finally after two months of nonstop remodeling, we’re officially ready to open this Saturday, December 14th.

We have an entire day of “fun” planned just for you. The schedule is:

8am – Open for business: take a tour, sign up, or just stop by to say hi.

9am – Ribbon cutting ceremony: refreshments and snacks provided

10am – Piloxing: Pilates + Boxing = a “whole lotta” fun

11am –Spin and Yoga: Limited to only 10 people. Sign up will be at the front desk at 8am. First come-first serve. If you’re interested in finding your inner peace yet still want a good workout, give yoga a try.

Noon – Coed Boxing: Punch, kick, and plank your way to a ripped body. Gloves will be provided, but if you’d like to bring your own, please do.

1pm – Metabolic Bootcamp: Interested to see why 30 people get up at 4:30 in the morning to attend Morning Madness at Ageless? Get a taste of it here.

2pm – Spin and Bad Man Training: Spin is limited to only 10 participants. Sign up will be available at the front desk at 8am. If you enjoy lifting heavy things, using a sledgehammer, and slamming med balls, Bad Man Training is for you. The only question is- Are you strong enough?

3pm – Coed Boxing: Punch, kick, and plank your way to a ripped body. Gloves will be provided, but if you’d like to bring your own, please do.

4pm – FUNdamental Athletic Training: Is your kid the next Peyton Manning or Derek Jeter? Get them ahead of the competition by learning the basic movement patterns for speed, power, and agility.

5pm: GloKick: Dance, kick and punch the fat right off of you. This is our most popular class at Ageless.

*The first 100 people to sign up for a membership will get a FREE A2 t-shirt. Sizes are limited, and handed out on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Lift for Lana

All day long we will be donating $5 to Lana Odorizzi as part of our Lift for Lana benefit. If you’re a non-member, we ask for a $5 donation. That $5 gives you access to all of our classes on Saturday. You can attend 1 or all of them. If you’re a member, we will donate $5 from your gym membership fees. If you are signing up that day for a membership, we will take $5 from your membership.


Do I have to wait until Saturday to sign up for a membership?

No. You can visit our gym in Gillespie this week and sign up for a membership in Staunton. One membership gives you access to both of our gyms so if you sign up this week, you won’t have to wait in line on Saturday.  Our staffed hours in Gillespie are:

  • Monday – Thursday: 9am to noon, 3pm to 7pm
  • Friday: 9am to noon, 3pm-5pm

If you’d like to wait until Saturday, starting at 8am you can sign up for a membership at the Staunton location. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out the paperwork. You will not be able to exercise until the paperwork is completed.

Will I be able to sign up while classes are going on?

Yes, we will have multiple people at the front desk during the classes to sign new members up. You will be able to sign up from 8am-6pm.

If I’m already a member, what do I need to do?

Just show up and sign in so we can donate $5 of your membership to Lift for Lana. If you could, just mention it to us this week at Ageless so we can activate your keycard for both locations.

Will I be able to lift weights Saturday?

Yes. Although it might be a little busy, you can use the machines, run on the treadmills, etc.

After Saturday, when can I start exercising at A2?

If you purchase a 24 hour keycard, it will be active as soon as we close at 6pm. Once we close at 6pm, we are officially open for business and A2 will be a 24 hour gym.

When can I sign up for personal training?

You can sign up for personal training Saturday. Availability is on a first-come-first-serve basis. We offer 1-on-1 and small group training. You can read more about them by clicking here.  Our trainers are: Brad, Pete, T.J.,  Amber, and Reggie.

Important Information

For membership pricing, please click here.

For class descriptions, please click here.

To see our team, please click here.

For personal training pricing, please click here.

For athletic training, please click here.

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