Beginner Guide: Are crunches making me fat?

That’s a half truth. They may not necessarily make you fat, but they definitely aren’t helping you get a flatter stomach. Top 3 reasons why you’re wasting your time performing crunches 1) Beach Ball Belly Syndrome: If you still have some stubborn body fat to lose, those crunches are just making your belly stick out […]

Beginner Guide: How to relieve soreness

If you’ve never been so sore from a workout that even getting out of bed is a chore, you probably can count the number of times you’ve exercised on one hand. There have been occasions where I’ve had to go to work without my shoes tied because of my hamstrings and glutes were so sore. […]

Top 3 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

For you women looking to get in shape, strength training and lifting weights is always going to provide you with superior benefits than those of running, walking, or doing some other form of long distance, repetitive cardio training. I can think of many different ways why women should strength train, and I have narrowed down […]

Vital Behaviors for Fitness Success

I’ve seen many people come and go, start and stop, succeed and fail. Through this experience I’ve been able to create two lists of specific behaviors. One list is the behaviors that keep people from getting fit, and the other is the behaviors that cause people to get fit. By understanding which behaviors produce which […]

Beginner Guide: How do I tone my arms and stomach?

This is one of the most common questions that I get from people that are just starting to workout or that haven’t worked out in quite a while. Women want toned arms and a flat stomach. Men want ripped looking arms and a six pack. The answer to the question “What can you do to […]

Beginner Guide: Weights or Cardio?

The best answer to this question depends on you. Sometimes cardio training is better. Sometimes weights are better. Most of the time both are best. When is cardio the best option for me? If you are totally out of shape and it’s been awhile since you’ve worked out at all then your best option is […]

Beginner Guide: How to start lifting weights

If you missed our first article in the Beginner’s Guide to Diet and Exercise, check it out here: I’m confused about exercise. Where do I start?. It discusses the first step in getting on the exercise bandwagon and starting your transformational journey. Since we discussed cardio training in the first article, we’ll discuss how to […]