Creating the Ultimate Swimsuit Butt

best butt workout

Summer is just around the corner. That means it’s almost swimsuit season. And if there is one body part that women are concerned with when June hits, it’s the butt.

At GluteCamp, we try to expose you to as many butt exercises as possible so that you can find a few that work really well for you. We’re not all made the same. Some of us have a wider pelvis, while others have longer legs. Thus, some exercises are biomechanically more effective than others. We want you to get the greatest bang for your buck when you hit the gym because we know your time is limited. Hopefully, you’ve learned a few new exercises that work really well for you, and started incorporating them into your own workouts.

However, if you haven’t had time to make it to GluteCamp or are still a little confused, here’s a GREAT butt workout for you. In fact, it may just be the BEST glute workout available.

Part 1 – Glute Activation

Lateral Band Walks with band around the knee: 2 sets of 10 steps in each direction

Band Bridges with band below the knees: 2 sets of 15 reps

*Really focus on the squeezing the glutes on every repetition. Every rep should performed with slow tempo so you really feel the glutes working. Do not rush these reps.

Part 2 – Glute Workout

1. Split Squats with rear foot elevated on a bench: 4 sets of 8-10 reps

*Try to keep your front knee as vertical as possible as you lower yourself to the floor. If the knee starts to shoot over your toes, the focus shifts from your hamstrings and glutes to your quads, which are on the front of your leg. Once again, perform a nice slow tempo on the way down, and squeeze the glutes on the way up as you drive through your front heel.

2. Hip Thrusts on a bench: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

*Drive through your heels on the way up, and really squeeze your glutes as hard as possible at the top of each repetition. On your last repetition of each set, hold at the top for 5-8 seconds, squeezing your glutes as hard as possible.

Once you can perform the maximum number of repetitions for each exercise, increase the weight. DON’T be afraid to go heavy!

Boom. That’s it. Perform that workout 2-3 times per week, and I guarantee you’ll be ready for swimsuit season.