Do you compete in the Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash races? Train with us

tough mudder and warrior dash race training at ageless

Need help training for an upcoming Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash? No worries mate. Now, as a member of Ageless, you’ll have an opportunity to train with our team in our new class led by Brad Seketa called Bad Man Training.

It’s 40 minutes of high intensity training not for the faint of heart – ropes, medicine balls, sleds, tires, sledgehammers, a little boxing, and of course, sprints.

Fair warning: This is not a beginner’s class. Although you don’t need to be in peak physical shape, this is not a “couch to 5k”-type of program.  There will be loud music, grunting, lots of sweating, a whole lot of testosterone, and shirtless males.

All 3 energy systems, phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic glycolysis, will be stressed. Each week will be progressively harder so that we peak just in time for the race.

We hope that we get enough members interested in the class that we’ll be able to take a team to each race.  For those of you that attend the majority of the BMT classes, a t-shirt will be included if you run in the races.

The Details:

Where: This week in Staunton and next week in Gillespie. The training site will alternate each week.

When: Starts this Wednesday, January 22nd, at 8:30pm.

Cost: Free for members. $5 for non-members.

Who: Men or women interested in preparing for a obstacle or 5k race, getting shredded , or becoming a beast.  It’s great for athletes too.


Our first race will be the Sandmine Challenge February 22nd in Des Peres, MO.

tough mudder training at ageless