“I’ve lost weight with diet and cardio and am happy with where the scale is at, but I just don’t like how my body looks in a swimsuit. I want to lift weights, but I don’t want to lift heavy and get too much muscle. What should I do?”
That’s a great question that almost every woman who has lost weight has asked at some point or another.
Because if you neglect lifting weights, although you’ll lose weight and be significantly smaller with a proper diet and cardio, you’ll still look soft. Without resistance training (including body weight training using a TRX), you’ll never have that lean, tight look that so many women are after.
The good news is that you’ve already made it through the hardest part of the journey to a better body – losing weight. No matter what the guru selling the newest fad diet says, losing weight is hard. You’re breaking olds habits, forming new habits, overcoming obstacles, suffering through plateaus. and more. It’s a long, hard journey with plenty of bumps, but as you’ve proven, it can be done.
So, now you’re at the point where you want to mold your body to fit your swimsuit. For women, this usually means focusing on the back of the arms, the butt, the back of the legs, and/or the stomach.
While there is no such thing as spot reduction for fat loss like the stomach wraps and creams suggest, there is such a thing as tightening up a particular body part using resistance exercise. For example, if you feel your butt is flat, you can, with the right resistance exercises and program, get a tighter, rounder butt, and not increase the size of your upper body.
Side note: This is also why the number on the scale staring back at you can be deceiving. For some people, they actually look better and are far happier at a heavier weight. For example, like these women or these women.
The even better news is that you don’t have to use heavy barbells to reach your goals. Dumbbells, TRX’s, and even your body weight can suffice most of the time.
So if you’re interested in “molding” a few soft points before the summer season, stop by the front desk or message us, and we can give you a few ideas and pointers. You’ll be surprised at how quickly a lagging body part will change with the right exercises.