A New Exercise Class for Seniors at Ageless – The Hop

Our new senior class, the Hop, starts next Tuesday (August 7th) at 8:30am.

Because we’ve never had a class specifically for seniors, we wanted to alleviate any concerns someone interested in the class may have by posting a sample workout so you’ll know exactly what to expect. Exercise can be intimidating. So can a new gym. We’re here to make sure it’s not.

As mentioned in the previous article, this class is specifically designed to keep you doing what you love doing. Our goal is to give you the strength, mobility, and balance you need to enjoy a high quality of life throughout your 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. Said in another way, we want to keep you out of the nursing home for as long as possible.

With that in mind, it’s a low impact, low-intensity class centered around functional movements you perform every single day. In fact, we’ve even named our exercise stations after real-world movements like pushing the lawnmower, carrying a grandchild, etc. And all of this is done in a fun, non-intimidating, private atmosphere with the likes of Elvis, Buddy Holly, and the Everly Brothers playing in the background.

Here’s what a 30-minute class will look like.

Each class starts with an easy 5-minute warm-up consisting of walking and overhead reaches to loosen up the muscles.

After the warmup, you’ll move to the exercise stations. There are 10 stations set up in a rectangle. For 30 seconds you’ll perform an exercise at the station. After 30 seconds, you’ll walk for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest before moving to the next station. That sequence is repeated for 10 stations.

We use timed stations instead of a particular number of repetitions at each station so that you can stop at any point in time, depending on your fitness level. YOU determine the intensity you’ll work at, not us.

The stations are:

1. Picking up your groceries (Hinge) – Light kettlebell hinge from a high chair

2. Getting out of the car (Squat) – TRX Assisted Squat from a high chair

3. Putting something in overhead cabinets (Overhead Press) – Seated light dumbbell overhead press

4. Holding a grandchild (Carry) – Single-arm light kettlebell walk

5. Picking up something you dropped (Core) – Staggered Stance Med Ball Forward Touches to a chair

6. Pulling your garbage can to the road for pick up (Pull) – Standing band rows

7. Balance Station (Fall Prevention) – TRX Single Leg Stance Iso Holds

8. Balance Station (Fall Prevention) – TRX Side Steps over imaginary hurdles

9. Pulling weeds (Curl) – Band standing curls

10. Pushing the lawnmower (Press) – Band standing press

That’s it. Easy peasy. In and out in 30 minutes.

Done twice per week on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 8:30am, don’t be surprised if you start feeling 20 years younger. Add a few yoga classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and we almost guarantee you’ll start looking younger.

One last thing… Although this class is targeted at individuals in their 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, anyone can join. If you’re new to exercise and need a light intro class, this is the perfect class to start. It doesn’t matter if you’re 40 or 50. Or, if your mom or dad won’t come alone, come for support. These are fundamental movements EVERYONE should be doing. So don’t be shy!

Contact us at BeTheChange@ageless-fitness.com with questions.