Bad Man Training – Day of the Deadlift Part Deux

bad man training at ageless 2

Rumble young man, rumble.. It’s retest day.


Deadlift 185lbs and 135lbs

Circle of Fire:

30 seconds on, 15 seconds off

  1. Pushups on Kettlebells
  2. Top Half Crunches
  3. Renegade Row
  4. Bottom Half Crunches
  5. Standing Band Overhead Press
  6. V-Ups
  7. Burpees to Chins
  8. Battling Ropes Alternating
  9. Battling Ropes Together
  10. TRX Pushups to Reverse Crunch
  11. TRX Rip Trainer Overhead Squat
  12. Goblet Squat Holds

Repeat for 45 minutes..