Our annual girls’ basketball skills camp is returning this April!
Like in the previous years, this will be a multi-month camp that progresses through the three primary offensive moves we feel every basketball player needs to develop:
- The Crossover
- The Rip-Through
- The jab step
All sessions will be taught by Amber and T.J.
The Details:
When: Sunday’s April 11th – May 2nd (4 weeks)
- 6-7pm Current 6th-grade – 8th-grade girls
- 7-8pm Current High School girls
Where: Ageless in Gillespie
What’s included: One 60 minute training session per week
Cost: $30 for all CUSD #7 athletes and $50 for all out-of-town athletes
Misc: Spots are limited to 10 athletes per session. All spots are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. There are no make-up sessions and/or refunds. Current athletes will get the first opportunity to sign up for future sessions.
You can download a form by clicking here and mailing it in, or you can pick one up at the front desk of the gym.
100% of the proceeds will be donated to the CUSD #7 Art Department to purchase materials for the upcoming school year.
If you ever have any questions, please call Ageless at 217-839-2484 or e-mail BeTheChange@ageless-fitness.com.