Did someone say Marathon Month?
Yes we did….
We’re officially declaring the month of September as Marathon Month in Gillespie.
What does that exactly mean?
We’re challenging you to run or walk a marathon, 26.2 miles, over the course of September.
Now before you have a heart attack, reread that sentence, paying particular attention to the phrase, “over the course of September.” So, that means the entire 26.2 miles doesn’t have to be run all at once. You can do a little over a mile a day for 26 of the 30 days in September. Or, you can do a handful of miles every weekend in September. Or, if you’re feeling froggy, you can do the entire 26.2 miles in a single run. It doesn’t matter.
You just have to accrue 26.2 miles of walking or running between September 1st and September 30th. And if you do, we’re going to give you an awesome Ageless 26.2 super comfy t-shirt. Your name will also go into a drawing for a $75 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods so you can replace those running shoes you wore out during Marathon Month. And by the way, if you’re a real go-getter, for every marathon you complete in July (you can run as many miles as you want), you’ll get your name in the drawing an additional time. If you end up running 78.6 miles, your name will be in the drawing for the gift card three times, increasing your odds to win.
Doesn’t that sound fun?
When: September 1st – September 30th
What: Run or walk indoors or outdoors at least 26.2 miles during September. Those miles can be on a treadmill, outside, or in a race.
Who: Members of Ageless- Gillespie
Prize: T-shirt for anyone recording at least 26.2 miles in September, plus one entry per every 26.2 miles recorded for a $75 Dick’s Sporting Goods gift card.
Registration: Grab your mileage tracking sheet and register at the front desk of Gillespie. You will keep track of your own mileage on the provided tracking sheet and submit it to Ageless on October 1st. You can also download a mileage sheet by clicking here.
Cost: FREE
So, if you want that 26.2 t-shirt, stop by the front desk to register and pick up your mileage tracking sheet.