New challenge alert….
Because you need to be reminded that you can still kick a little ass if you wanted to.
And, we’re still in a pandemic so what else do you have to do?
The 30 for 30 Marathon Month
Run, walk, or even crawl a 5k between now and February 28th. And when you’re done, let us know your time. Don’t worry though. We aren’t going to publish it. It’s just an assessment, or should I say, the starting line.
Then, starting March 1st, we’re going to run another Marathon Month challenge, but with a few changes.
For one, this challenge will actually last two months. It starts on March 1st and ends on April 30th – 9 weeks.
Secondly, instead of miles, we’re going to track running workouts. The goal is to complete 30 running workouts in 9 weeks. The distance ran during those workouts is completely up to you and your running level. We’re going to have hard copies of running workout calendars at the front desk for beginners (similar to a Couch to 5k) and advanced runners. You can follow one of those or use your own. The only thing we ask is you keep track of your workouts on the calendars we provide, no matter what workouts you do.
On April 30th, you’ll turn in your calendar. If you performed at least 30 running workouts during that time, your name will be put in a drawing for a $50 gift certificate for a local restaurant of your choice. 2 names will be drawn.
And the final difference is that there’s actually a second part to this challenge. The challenge will culminate with a second 5k run at Grow Gillespie’s 5k May Day Run on May 1st. If you beat your original time from February during this race, you’ll earn an Ageless Run Club t-shirt.
So here’s your chance to win not only an awesome Ageless Run Club t-shirt but also a $50 gift certificate for the local restaurant of your choice, and all you have to do is run. And who knows, you may just get in the best shape of your life too.
Lace’em kiddos!