May’s Member of the Month: A letter to high school graduates…

Ageless Member of the Month May

By now you’re probably up to your ears in advice so I’ll keep this short and sweet…

If there is one thing that will put AND keep you on the path to success it is this… Failure. Fail in public, in front of huge crowds that will stare and point fingers. Fail in private, in the comfort of your own home so that only you will see. Fail at big, hairy, audacious goals. Fail at tiny, daily goals. Don’t fear it. Don’t avoid it. Don’t let it define you. And most importantly, don’t let it stop you. Instead, chase it. Plan for it. Embrace it.  Learn from it.

Although it may seem counter intuitive and go against every single fiber of your being, I promise you that it is more common than you think (See this list of great rejection letters from some of the most successful people this world has ever seen), it will not hurt as bad as you think, and in the end, it is THE quickest road to success.

If I have learned one thing since I graduated high school it is this – If you never fail, you will never grow. There is no such thing as a champion that’s never lost. There may have been undefeated seasons, but there has never been an undefeated career. Unfortunately, we only see the moments of success – that split second of triumph that is the culmination of hundreds of thousands of seconds of unseen failures. We plaster pictures of champions hoisting the trophy above their head in newspapers and magazines across the country, we hold huge receptions for scholars that have solved the world’s most challenging problems, and we’re constantly reminded of our rank, from top ten lists for every conceivable category to high school class rankings. What is hidden is the hundreds if not thousands of failures that led to those brief moments of success, the hours upon hours of frustration, and the countless buckets of sweat and tears.

Don’t be fooled by the guises of luck, natural gifts, and innate superiority. Those are outliers at best, and outright liars at worst. Hard work, grit, dedication, passion, and the ability to learn from failure are what truly matter. You just don’t hear about those prerequisites as much because they’re not as pretty, inspiring, or comforting. Instead, they’re blue collar, covered in dirt and reeking of sweat. Not a pretty picture, right?

So please, go out there and fail. Before you know it, you’ll look at everything you have around you and realize all of those little failures added up to all of your new found success. Remember, failure lasts for just a second. Success lasts for a lifetime.

On a side note, thank you! Many of you have been members of Ageless almost your entire high school careers. You’ve given us a dose of your youthful energy, laughs, and at times, headaches. We’ve enjoyed every moment of it. You’ve been a huge asset to us, and have been a part of making Ageless what it is. Sincerely, thank you.  And don’t be afraid to stop by when you’re home from college.