Bad Man Training – A Metabolic Melting Pot

bad man training at ageless 2

Tonight’s workout is going to be what I like to call a metabolic melting pot – a little of this, a little of that, and a whole “lotta” fat burning. Not only will it challenge you physically, but also mentally because I’m throwing a lot of new complexes, circuits, etc. at you.

Partner up. Each station will be 4 minutes long.

1. Body weight Tabata

20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest of the following complex:

  • Speed Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Burpees
  • Speeds Skips in place

2. Dumbbell Complex 30:30

Squat, curl, and press for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat for 4 minutes.

3. Kettlebell Swings and Pushups

20 Swings, followed by 10 pushups, followed by 18 swings, followed by 9 pushups, and continue until you are doing 2 swings and 1 pushup. If you finish before the end of 4 minutes, work your way back up.

4. Medicine Ball Complex

10 medicine wall ball tosses followed by 10 medicine ball slams, followed by 9 medicine ball wall tosses followed by 9 medicine ball slams, and continue decreasing a repetition until you are at 1.

5. Barbell Complex

10-8-6 of RDL, Row, Clean, Push Press, and Squat

6. Battling Ropes

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off

7. 185lb/135lbs deadlifts

As many reps as possible in 4 minutes

8. Agility Ladder Medicine Ball Passes

4 minutes continuous