Grab Your Partner.. B2 Bootcamp tonight at 6:30

B2 Bootcamp at Ageless

We have our first B2 Outdoor Bootcamp tonight at 6:30pm at Benld City Park. Since it’s our very first workout and the entire family is invited, we decided to post the workout so you can decide if your little one(s) can keep up (Or in the case of some, if you can keep up with your little one).  We tried to make every station “kid friendly.” Basically, if your child can participate in PE, he/she will be able to perform every exercise in the circuit with a few modifications.

Part 1 – Cardio

1. Sprint 30 yards and then perform 20 squats

2. Shuffle 30 yards and then perform 20 pushups

3. Carioca 30 yards and then perform 20 lunges

4. Skips 30 yards and then perform 20 jump squats

Repeat the circuit with 10 repetitions and then with 5 repetitions.

Partner Circuit – Strength

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off

1. Partner Tire Flips

2. Medicine Ball Partner Toss from the side

3. Sledgehammer Swings

4. Battling Ropes

5. Right Side Plank with Band Pulls

6. Left Side Plank with Band Pulls

7. Heavy Barbell Partner Carries

8. Front Plank with band pulls

9. Partner Medicine Ball Squats

10.  Right Half Kneeling Band Pallof Press

11. Left Half Kneeling Band Pallof Press

12. Reverse Lunge with medicine ball chest pass

Repeat for a total of 2 circuits