Bad Man Training – Day of the Complex

bad man training at ageless 2

In my humble opinion, the 3 best methods, with regards to training, for fat loss are:

  1. Sprints
  2. Barbell Complex
  3. Sleds

Unfortunately, it’s still not warm enough to do 1 and 3, so tonight it’s all about barbell complexes.

The Workout:

Part 1 – Complexes

4 Groups of 4 Bad Men

1. Barbell Complex 6 reps -5 reps -4 reps -3 reps -2 reps – 1 rep

Deadlift, RDL, Bent Over Row, Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat Good Morning

2. Box Quick Steps

3. Jump Rope

4. Med Ball Quick Hands

Part 2 – Abs

30 second circuit

  1. Weighted Sit-ups
  2. Plank
  3. Reverse Crunch
  4. Side Plank
  5. Side Plank
  6. V Ups
  7. Sprinter Sit-ups