Bad Man Training – The Gauntlet #3

bad man training at ageless 2

And this is the workout that ended Spartacus in Gillespie….

The Gauntlet – 20 Rep Death March

  1. Log Clean and Press 20 reps
  2. Squat 20 reps
  3. Deadlift 20 reps
  4. Floor Press 20 reps

The Ring of Fire 30 seconds on/30 seconds off

  1. Box Jumps
  2. Plank
  3. Box Quick Feet
  4. Sit-up with plate
  5. Heavy Bag Walk
  6. Heavy Bag Knees
  7. Burpee to Chin
  8. TRX Rip Trainer Squat Press
  9. Med Ball Seated Rotations
  10. Med Ball Wall Toss
  11. Med Ball Slams
  12. Side Planks