FUNdamental Movement for Young Athletes – What You Need to Know? – Workout #1



Each class will start with a dynamic warm up routine to prepare the athletes’ bodies to move.  Next we will do strength work, and then finish with speed, agility, and reaction drills.   The goal of the first workout is for the athletes to learn correct form and technique for all of the drills and exercises.  The hard work won’t start until the second workout.



  1. Don’t talk when instructor is talking.
  2. Don’t touch or disturb other participants during class unless you are spotting or assisting them with an exercise.
  3. Walk basketballs to rack.  Don’t throw them.
  4. Stay off all equipment unless instructed otherwise.
  5. One warning then participant will have to sit out the remainder of that day’s class if behavior does not change.


Warm Up Routine

  1. pogo jump x 10
  2. side to side line jump x 10
  3. seal jax x 10
  4. reverse lunge w/ reach x 10
  5. scapula push up x 10
  6. roll over x 8
  7. iron cross x 8/side
  8. hip lift x 10
  9. t-spine x 8/side


Technique Work

  1. Squat Form
  2. Sprinting Form
  3. Plank Form
  4. Body Weight Turkish Get Up Form
  5. Agility Ladder Techniques – 1 in, 2 in, 2 in from side, shuffle
  6. Depth Jump Landing Technique


Partner Drills

  1. Mirror Drill
  2. Band Resisted Walking Lunges
  3. Circle Sprints
  4. Staggered Sprint and Back Pedal




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