If you’re anything like us, the end of the year is the most glorious time of the year for you and your family. Decorating. Gatherings. Traditions. Adventure. Cooking. And baking. Ugh, the food… the most decidant and delicious dinners and sweets.
I often refer to the end of the year as also the ‘season of temptation’.
So we design our challenges to circumvent the ‘season of temptation’. Whether you’re looking to start a new fitness habit or add more to your current routine, our challenges will get you on the right foot so you’re striding into the new year as a happier and healthier individual. Rather than sit idly by during the winter season, embrace it with a spirit of fun competition!
TEAM CHALLENGE: the 25 Days of Fitmas Challenge
When: November 29th – December 23rd
What: Teams of 3, all elves must have a MyZone belt
Goal: 10,000 total team MEPS starting at 12:01am on November 29th thru 11:59pm on December 23rd.
Prizes: All teams that reach 10,000 MEPS will be added to a drawing for the grand prize, a gift certificate for your favorite local diner.
Misc: You must have a MyZone belt to participate. Rentals and purchases are available. Please see us at the front desk for more information. Please do not wait until the last minute to get a belt.
Registration: Sign up your team at the front desk in Staunton or Gillespie. If you don’t have enough for a team, still sign up, and we’ll get you on a team. The deadline to register is November 28th.
INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGE: Battle of the bulge
Because we know the holidays can wreak havoc on your waistline (the turkey, the stuffing, the candy canes, the gingerbread cookies, etc.), we’re also offering an individual challenge – Battle of the (Holiday) Bulge. All you need to do is sign up at the front desk and weigh in between November 23rd and 25th with an Ageless staff member. And then, you’ll weigh in again the week of January 4th-9th. If you lost weight or maintained your current weight, you’ll get awesome Ageless gear. How is that for a little extra motivation?
Side note: You do not have to participate in both challenges. You can participate in the team challenge and not the Battle of the (Holiday) Bulge or vice versa, or you can do both.