The Ageless Warrior Challenge

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” - Heraclitus
The Challenge
Strength - Speed - Endurance
- Deadlift x 3 rep - Trap Bar, Sumo, or Conventional, rest pause
- Chin-up x 8 reps
- 1 Mile Run
- 5k
Each test is max effort.
All tests must be completed on the same day, starting at 12:01am and ending at 11:59pm.
Warrior Status
- Deadlift - 450lbs+ x 3 reps
- Chins - Body weight + 60lbs x 8 reps
- 1 Mile Run - 5:59 or less
- 5k - 18:59 or less
- Deadlift - 400lbs+ x 3 reps
- Chins - Body weight + 45lbs x 8 reps
- 1 Mile Run - 6:30 or less
- 5k - 20:59 or less
- Deadlift - 400lbs x 3 reps
- Chins - Body weight +25lbs x 8 reps
- 1 Mile Run - 7:15 or less
- 5k - 22:59 or less
- Deadlift - 350lbs x 3 reps
- Chins - Body weight +10lbs x 8 reps
- 1 Mile Run - 8 minutes or less
- 5k - 24:59 or less
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. ” - Sun Tzu
How To Submit
- Submit video of each lift to Instagram - deadlift and chins.
- Submit 5k and 1 mile times to Instagram via tracking device.
- Tag us on Instagram for all posts at @agelesssfitness and use the #agelesswarriorchallenge.
Deadlift Technique
All reps must be performed with a rep pause. That means once completing one rep, you must take your hands off the bar, stand up straight, and then begin another rep. Hips must lock out at the top for reps to be counted.
Chin Technique
An overhand or underhand grip may be used. For a rep to be counted, your clavicle (top of chest) must touch the bar at the top of each rep. At the bottom, the arm must be at least 120 degrees.
Warrior Level:
- Warrior T-shirt
- Woven Medallion Bracelet
- Warrior T-shirt
- Virtual High Five
- Virtual Slap on the Back
Please expect all rewards to be mailed within 2 weeks of confirmed test scores.
Wall of Warriors