The Gauntlet ,aka Cardio Day
Barbell Complex
- Bent-over row
- Standing Press
- Back Squat
We are doing it in reverse this week. Start with 6 reps, reduce the weight by 10-20 lbs, perform 8 reps, reduce the weight 10-20lbs, and perform 10 reps.
The Ring of Fire
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, 3 rounds
1. Log Clean
2. Box Jump
3. Med Ball Seated Rotations
4. Med Ball Slams
5. Kettlebell Swings
6. Heavy Bag High Knees
7. Burpees to Chins
8. Band Punches
9. TRX Rip Trainer Swings
10. Med Ball Wall Toss
11. Kettlebell High Pulls
12. Agility Ladder Lateral Scissor Steps