Beginner Guide to Exercise: Should I be doing crunches?

how to get a flat stomach

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions we receive.. Should I perform crunches?

Thanks to Dr. Stuart McGill , many trainers have stopped having their clients perform crunches as part of their core training, especially if the client has back issues. Why? Because they could potentially hurt your back. Dr. McGill, the leading back authority in the world, demonstrated in his lab that repeatedly flexing your spine, like what happens during crunches, can actually stress your lumbar spine to the point of injury. Is a 6 pack really worth a back injury?

Instead of crunches, you should be performing the following movements if you want a healthy back AND flat stomach:

  1. An anti-extension movement like planks, bodysaws, and ab wheel rollouts.
  2. An anti-flexion movement like side planks and 1-arm farmer walks.

Can you perform crunches if you’re healthy and have never had a back issue? Probably. If you’ve never had a back issue and are in relatively good shape, you can perform a few crunches in your routine. Just make sure the exercises listed above make up the majority of your abdominal training.

Side note: If you’re interested in a flat, toned stomach or a 6 pack, you won’t get it from abdominal training if you are overweight. There’s a layer of fat between your skin and your abs. Training your abs does not remove that layer of fat. In fact, training your abs and making them bigger just pushes your stomach out further. Low body fat is the key to a flat, toned stomach. Instead, you’ll see better results by lifting weights, performing high intensity cardio, and burning more calories than you consume (aka diet).


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