Welcome back to our Staunton facility.
This carefully managed reopening comes with stringent new health, safety and hygiene procedures in place. We have worked tirelessly to create the best experience for you in light of the new guidelines recommended by the CDC and our local health officials. Note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit.

Keycard access restored.
We have advanced to our third and final stage in our gradual reopening process allowing members to use the facility at their convenience in addition to our staffed hours. Our data shows less people will be at our facility at any given point in time if there's more available time to utilize our facility.
The final stage includes restoring keycard access to current and new members. The facility will continue to be staffed during peak times to ensure social distancing and capacity limits are maintained.
All other safety measures will stay in place including touch-free temperature checks at the door, wearing of masks wherever possible, social distancing, touch-free sign-in system, outdoor classes, and our rigorous cleaning procedures. Also the PPE station will continue to be stocked with gloves, masks, and antimicrobial hand grips for your convenience.
Important changes.
Face covering required
We require members wear their masks whenever possible, especially in the lobby.
Temperature check required
Temperature checks are required for everyone entering the gym.
Reduced capacity
Only 10 members are allowed in the gym at one time, excluding classes and personal training which will be excluded from the general floor area.
Keycard access restored
24/7 access will be restored on June 22 but the facility may be unavailable for short periods of time for cleaning and disinfecting.
Social distancing
Equipment has been generously spaced at least 6 feet apart. Please respect everyone’s space by social distancing by 6 feet or more.
Wash hands often and do not touch your face
Washing your hands is easy, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs.
You should evaluate the risk in determining whether to return to the gym and contact us if you want to make any changes to your account prior to our reopening on Monday, June 1. Please note the CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected. Any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19, and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit.
Due to the evolving nature of this situation, details are subject to change without notice. We appreciate your cooperation during this unprecedented time.
Upgrades we have made.
- Disinfection procedures: We have enhanced our cleaning regime to include the use of a mobile UVC germicidal disinfection unit, sanitation sprayers, and air purifiers.
- PPE station: A personal protective equipment station has been installed next to the entry door in the lobby containing a touch-less thermometer, gloves, masks, and reusable anti-microbial hand grips.
- Sanitation stations: Additional sanitation stations have been added throughout the facility.
- Touch-free additions: While touch-free hand sanitizer continues to be available, we have added a touch-free sign-in computer, touch-free door openers, and a touch-free bottle filler.
- New flooring and paint: New flooring and a fresh coat of paint has been applied in many areas of the facility.
- Bathrooms: While touch-free soap dispensers and hand towel dispensers have already been in use, we have added touch-free sink faucets and toilet flushes. A shower stall and ventilation has also been added to the hallway bathroom.
- Equipment: All equipment has been social distanced at least 6 feet apart and reupholstered where needed. A television has also been added to the free-weight area.
Safety measures in place.
- Masks and gloves: Face coverings are required to enter the facility. Gloves are available at the PPE station to be used at your own convenience.
- Temperature checks: Temperature checks are required at the entrance of the facility for everyone. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed inside.
- Social distancing: Equipment has been generously social distanced at least 6 feet apart. Despite the new equipment layout, we ask you respect everyone’s space by leaving a piece of equipment empty between yourself and anyone else while also not sharing equipment or “working in a set”. Social distancing floor markers have also been installed for everyone’s convenience.
- Gym location usage: Members can only use their home gym (the gym that charges you a membership) due to the limited capacity. Please contact us if you want to make any changes to your home gym.
- Reduced capacity: Only 10 members are allowed in the gym at one time, excluding classes and personal training which will be excluded from the general floor area. Spots will be available on a first come basis.
- Classes and training: Class capacity will be reduced to 10 people and will be held outdoors with the cooperation of the weather. Personal training sessions will be held in a private area. Anyone attending a class or training session outdoors is asked not to enter the gym. Attendance and temperature checks will be taken at the designated outdoor area.
- Guest passes: Daily passes are not available.
- COVID-19 diagnosis: If anyone at the facility is diagnosed with the coronavirus, we will follow the CDC guidelines and implement contact tracing to notify anyone who may be at risk.
Membership fees and remaining time.
We have a bold request… please stay with us. We have been doing scenario planning since the day we were forced to close and have made significant investments in changes to meet the new standards for hygiene and personal space. We promised you when we closed there would be no time lost or dues charged while we had to be closed. We continue to honor both statements. Unless you joined on February 21, you have days remaining with us. See below for further information.
- Monthly members: Your remaining pre-paid time will be added to your account. (Example: If you had 10 days remaining on your membership, 10 days will be added to your account starting June 1 with a new expiration date of June 10).
- Contract auto-renewal members: Your remaining pre-paid time will be added to your account and a new renewal date will be assigned. (Example: You will have 10 days remaining on your membership if you last renewed on March 2 since our first closure date was March 22. The 10-day credit will start on June 1 making your new renewal date the 10th day of each month).
Your membership history can be found on your Mindbody profile. If you don't have a Mindbody profile and have any questions or want to make any changes to your membership, please do not hesitate to reach out to us: email us at staunton@ageless-fitness.com or call us at 618-635-2243.
Hours of operation.
24/7 keycard access
Staff will continue to be present during the following peak times:
Monday: 8a - 12p & 3-7p
Tuesday: 8a - 12p & 3-7p
Wednesday: 8a - 12p & 3-7p
Thursday: 8a - 12p & 3-7p
Friday: 8a - 12p
Saturday: 8a - 12p