Look Good, Feel Good Machine Circuit Program at A2 in Staunton

confused about exercise?

Interested in lifting weights, but don’t know where to start? Aren’t comfortable using dumbbells or barbells, but still want the benefits of resistance training? No fear. The Ageless superheroes are here.

Starting in July, we’re offering our Look Good, Feel Good machine circuit resistance training program for FREE to all members. It’s the perfect workout for:

  • members brand new to resistance training
  • members who aren’t comfortable lifting free weights (barbells and dumbbells) just yet, but want to build their strength and confidence up so they can eventually progress to free weights
  • members who can’t find the time to attend our classes so they have to lift on their own
  • members that enjoy lifting alone, but are in search of a “map” to feel and look better.
  • members interested in adding resistance training to their cardio routine.
  • those members that have a little more gray on their head, and want the benefits of resistance training without the risk of falling.

The Look Good, Feel Good Machine Circuit

Our suggestions:

  1. Perform the workout 3 times weekly on non-consecutive days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
  2. Perform 10-20 minutes of light cardio training (treadmills, bikes, and ellipticals) to get your heart rate up before you start the circuit.
  3. If you’re already performing cardio training, perform it on your off days (Tuesday and Thursday). Consistency builds habits. Habits create change. We highly recommend you exercise daily, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.
  4. Rest 30 seconds between each exercise and 1-2 minutes between rounds.
  5. The first 6 weeks, your goal is 12 reps per exercise.
  6. After your workout consume a meal/shake with protein and carbohydrates. We recommend at least 10 grams of essential amino acids (usually 20-25 grams of a high quality protein shake like whey) within 2 hours of your workout.

Progression is already built in to the program in two ways. Each week we will increase the volume by performing an additional round in the circuit until week 4. Then we drop the volume back down to the initial week, but increase the resistance, and build the volume back up over the next 3 weeks. Thus, we’re slowly overloading your body so it grows stronger and healthier.  Progressive overload is the KEY to any successful program.  If you do the same thing every workout and never increase the weight or volume, you will not see an improvement.

Every 6 weeks we’ll change the program slightly. When you think you’re ready for free weights or a harder circuit challenge, we’ll give you our phase II program. However, we recommend that you use this program for at least 6-12 weeks.

You can pick the workout sheets up at the front desk or download them by clicking here: Ageless 2 Look Good Feel Good Circuit Workout

If at ANY time you have a question, need an explanation, or can’t figure out how to do an exercise, let us know. Ask us at the front desk, e-mail us, or send us a message on Facebook. Do not hesitate to ask. That’s what we’re here for.


Is this a group workout?

No. This is done on your own whenever you want. You simply grab the workout sheet from the front desk, perform the circuit, and record your weights.

Is this a weight loss workout?

Yes and no. Will you lose weight from this if you’re following a healthy eating plan? Yes. However, it’s more than just weight loss. You’ll get stronger, move with less pain, and overall feel better – more energy, less tightness, and less stress.

Do we do the same workout during all 3 workouts during the week?

Yes.  The more often you perform an exercise, the quicker you’ll learn to perform it correctly, and the faster you will advance. Don’t be fooled by “muscle confusion.” That’s a great marketing ploy.

What if I can’t complete 2 rounds of the circuit?

Don’t. Know your limits, and gradually improve. Don’t risk energy or exhaustion.

Do I have to perform cardio before the circuit?

We highly recommend it so that you loosen up your body. It’ll reduce the chance of injury.

How long will the workout take?

Anywhere from 20-40 minutes.

What if it’s been 30 seconds and someone is currently using the machine I need to use?

Go ahead and skip it, and come back to it before you start your next round. The order of exercises are just for convenience.