Exercises You Should Be Doing: Rows

We tend to neglect the muscles that we can’t see in the mirror and focus on those that we can.  As a result, when most people workout they focus on pushing movements for their upper body, bench press, push ups, etc…  However, if we neglect pulling movements such as Rows for too long we will soon experience chronic shoulder and back discomfort.

When we do pushing exercises our chest and shoulder muscles grow and tighten, which in turn pulls our shoulders forward.  Ever see those guys in the gym that always look like their shoulders are hunched forward?  That’s what I’m talking about.

Doing Rows will help you avoid this problem and keep your back and shoulders healthy and in the proper alignment.  The 3 types of rows that I suggest are:

On all 3 types of rows your should keep your lower back tight and arched at all times throughout the movement and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top.  Incorporate 3 sets of 8-15 reps of rows into your weekly workout routine, and you’ll be well on your way to bulletproofing yourself from back pain and injury.

Look at your fitness from a holistic point of view.  Looking good does no good if you don’t feel good.  Remember the muscles that you can’t see in the mirror are just as important to your health as the ones you can see.  

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